“Ask a man his philosophy and he’ll be annoying for an hour; teach a man to do philosophy and he’ll be annoying for life.” | Keith Frankish

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Good question. There is really no compelling reason other than if you like to read long-form analysis essays about pop culture, film, art, and philosophy. I love dissecting media, all forms of narrative and image. I love philosophizing, asking questions, and following white rabbits. If you enjoy this too, then I welcome you! I hope you are able to glean something beneficial from my ramblings, as my true desire is to inspire deep thought, communication, debate, curiosity, and a love for Truth and Beauty. I also aspire to make the world ever so much more annoying.

What does '“Sayyadina” mean?

If you are a Frank Herbert’s Dune fan, then you understand the reference, but for those of you who are not familiar, “sayyadina” is a reference to a sect of holy women of the desert, a tribal race called the Fremen in the world of Dune. The term means "friend of God" in their language, and is used by the Fremen to describe their lower-ranking priestesses who have not yet become Reverend Mothers. I am more of a fan of the film adaptation by Denis Villeneuve that came out in 2021, but I thought “sayyadina” was fitting. I am a Christian and a devoted Dune fan. “The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.” Psalm 25:14.

What is this about heresy?

It all depends on your point of view, but you can judge for yourself.

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Subscribe to The Heretical Sayyadina

I am just a simple sayyadina shouting into the Void! Here you will find many ramblings on philosophy, culture, art, cinema, and so much more. I am long-winded and often times pedantic. You are warned.


“The poet must stir souls, not nurture idolaters.“ Andrei Tarkovsky. I’m a freelance artist & writer, visual storyteller, & rogue philosopher. Most of all, I’m a follower of my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, who’s leading me on a transcendent journey.